Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Do you think social bookmarking and my course should hook up?

A colleague of mine keeps urging me to get acquainted with social bookmarking. She thinks it will be a good match for the course I am developing, but I'm not so sure. I'd like to try it, but I am not sure if it is my cup of tea, so to speak. What do you think? Do you have any suggestions?
Testing the Waters in Watertown

Dear Testing the Waters,
First of all, I think you should wait until the time is right. Remember that the selection of tools ought to be guided by how well they will help students achieve learning objectives. I know you might be feeling you should try it or that you  are tempted by something new and exciting, but wait until there's a good match.

To be honest, I have been a slow adopter to social bookmarking. It has not been until recently that I have seen its merits, so I can't speak from long experience. However, I do see the potential benefits of using Delicious for project-based learning where a group would be working together on an a extended project. Here's a link to a great site that covers all aspects, from samples to a list of activities.

I also hope readers will use the comment feature to add their ideas for activities using social bookmarking.
Steve (For ADDIE)

1 comment:

  1. Dear Steve/ADDIE,

    That's helpful advice. I have to say that sometimes I feel (internal) pressure to try the latest widget or tool. Thank you.
